Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why teaching at Bond Kindergarten ROCKS:

  • I get to teach the cutest kids every day!

  • We have awesome Chinese teachers and friends at our school. Every Thursday night is "Chinese Night", where we have dinner and hang out with the Chinese teachers! We've had a karaoke night, a sports night, a dance party, a game night... the list goes on. We practice our Chinese, they practice their English, and we all have a blast!

  • These guys are pretty cool too, I guess:
  • We get Chinese lessons four times a week.
  • We get cooking lessons once a week. This consists every week of chopping up some sort of veggies and meat, throwing it into a large pan, then adding soy sauce, ginger, chicken powder, and at least a gallon of oil. It's no wonder all of our food tastes the same!
  • We have Kung Fu 3 times a week! Now a little bit about Kung Fu...
This is Spring, our Kung Fu instructor. He's pretty much awesome.
He wants us to be very dedicated and asked us to come to Kung Fu every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We compromised and so we go every Friday, Saturday, and Monday. And if I may say so myself, we are pretty intense... 
Spring brought his camera on Friday to take pictures of us. He was excited because after two months of class, everyone finally started getting the splits!

Well that is, everyone except me...

So every class during "splits time" when Spring yells at me in his broken English to "KEEP DOING" the splits, when he pushes my legs down farther and farther until I am crying and laughing at the same time, even though I am not down like everyone else, I just want to say to him,"Spring! Do you know how freaking AWESOME I'm doing given the flexibility genes, or lack thereof, that I have inherited?! Do you realize that my father can't even correctly kneel to pray because it hurts him so bad?! Did you know that my mother pulled a hamstring doing a little cartwheel in front of her young women during mutual?!"

But don't worry about me, I'll totally have the splits in another couple of months. And I am going to greet everyone at home with a karate chop and a jump into the splits, so WATCH OUT! I won't look like a fool for long... I know Karate!!!