Friday, January 23, 2009

Getting pumped for Chinese New Year

This past Monday night we had a "hot pot" dinner at the school with the Chinese teachers for the school's Chinese New Year party.
A "hot pot" is a traditional Chinese meal in which a pot of boiling broth is in the middle of each table and a variety of raw foods are available to put into the pot to cook and eat. We boiled sea food (including octopus), dumplings, pork balls, bok choy (Chinese cabbage, my new favorite vegetable), and cow stomach (that was an accident and it was disgusting).
The food was a little too different and a little too raw looking for my taste but fun to try and definitely a crazy fun experience!
Today was the last day of teaching for us until February. Happy Chinese New Year! Today we made cookie spiders in class.
Yes, I know. It doesn't look remotely like a spider. Don't judge. We had very little to work with.

We also had to say goodbye to Kevin and Jenny today. They were just here for the winter holiday camp and are going back home. I will miss them and Kevin's Tai Chi lessons, of course. 
P.S. The cook at the school asked if I was Chinese today. That's TWO!