Kristy is a sucker when it comes to street peddlers and beggars. There is a huge fruit stand right next to our bus stop and even though we were told not to buy anything there because we would get ripped off, Kristy buys stuff there anyways and she gives her spare change to the homeless. How could she resist this cute little man? Even if the fruit did taste like cold canned peas...
One day, a girl pulled up on a bike carrying this little boy, peanuts, and what we thought was bamboo.
Kristy said that she swore that she saw someone chomping away on bamboo at the park the other day so she decided to buy some. How could she resist this cute little face anyway?
Well, she got ripped off, of course. She meant to buy one stick but the girl cut three for her and shoved it in her hand. Then Kristy just stood there, puzzled, on the side of the street with three sticks of what looked like wood. It was hilarious.
She gave me one and we couldn't quite figure out what to do with it. If celery and wood could make babies, this would be the texture of their offspring.
So we looked around and tried to figure out how the heck to eat these things and we noticed that there were a million people watching us. We were making quite the scene and one lady was seriously pointing and laughing at us. We looked around to see if anyone else was eating it and we finally saw this man.
He bit into it, sucked out the juice, then spit the rest of it out. We copied. It actually tasted really good! Later we found out that it wasn't bamboo that we were eating, but sugar cane. Good find, Kristy! I will definitely be buying sugar cane again. And thank you for making me laugh to tears for the first time in China!
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